Syndrome de lyse tumorale

De mé

Révision datée du 18 juin 2020 à 11:42 par Julien (discussion | contributions)
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hyperuricemia, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, and hypocalcemia. These electrolyte abnormalities can lead to acute kidney injury, cardiac arrhythmias, seizures, and death.


  • Monitoring cardiaque en continu


Patients at intermediate risk for TLS can be managed with monitoring of laboratory values, hydration, and allopurinol, and those at high risk should receive intravenous hydration and rasburicase, a urate oxidase enzyme that metabolizes uric acid, before receiving chemotherapy

  • Hydratation aggressive
  • Diurétique de l'anse
  • +/- hémofiltration


  • Acide urique aux 4-6 heures